Demystify Digital launches unique online design tool for the personalisation industry

Emma Taylor-Lane 16 January 2023 eCommerce Demystify Digital launches unique online design tool for the personalisation industry Demystify Digital has over two decades’ experience of the personalisation business. That includes workwear, schoolwear, garment decoration and promotional gifts. This experience has provided us with the knowledge and expertise to really understand the challenges of the industry. […]

Top tips for setting your B2B eCommerce strategy

Emma Taylor-Lane 4 January 2023 eCommerce Top tips for setting your B2B eCommerce strategy eCommerce had been a growing trend for some years. Then the pandemic hit in 2020 and suddenly it grew exponentially, both in B2C and B2B markets. It is estimated that Covid-19 accelerated digital transformation by between three and five years, with […]

SEO and eCommerce – a recipe for success

Emma Taylor-Lane 16 December 2022 eCommerce SEO and eCommerce – a recipe for success Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a key part in the success of any eCommerce business. It’s a powerful strategy that increases website visitors and traffic and, consequently, sales. But what is SEO and how does it help your eCommerce company? […]

Top tips for managing eCommerce multichannel selling

Emma Taylor-Lane 8 December 2022 eCommerce Top tips for managing eCommerce multichannel selling So you have a website for your embroidery, print, workwear or schoolwear business. Having a strong website is the bare minimum for an eCommerce company. And it may be performing well, but by limiting your business to just one sales channel is […]

Tips for managing a large product base

Emma Taylor-Lane 23 November 2022 eCommerce Tips for managing a large product base If you’re in the personalisation industry, chances are that you’re storing and handling hundreds – perhaps thousands – of individual products. Are your systems managing to handle that many products plus their personalisation, or does your organisation need more help? That’s where […]

Effectively manage both B2C and B2B orders

Emma Taylor-Lane 15 November 2022 eCommerce Effectively manage both B2C and B2B orders If you’re in the print, embroidery, schoolwear or workwear industries, chances are that you deal with both B2C and B2B orders. While in theory both types of orders are the same, the truth is that there are probably some differences in how […]

Demystify Digital November 2022 Newsletter

Emma Taylor-Lane 1 November 2022 eCommerce,Latest news Demystify Digital November 2022 Newsletter Welcome to the team As part of Demystify Digital’s growth, we’re delighted to welcome Andrew Mason to the team. He’s working as our website developer, and we caught up with Andrew to find out a little more about him. It’s fair to say […]

Garment personalisation and how ERP benefits you

Emma Taylor-Lane 26 October 2022 eCommerce Garment personalisation and how ERP benefits you The personalisation market in the UK is worth over £1 billion per annum. And more and more people and businesses are shopping online, taking advantage of the convenience of being able to shop at a time and place that suits them. If […]

Magento 2 – the benefits of managing your print shop

Emma Taylor-Lane 26 October 2022 eCommerce Magento 2 – the benefits of managing your print shop When it comes to your eCommerce print shop business, you want it to be as profitable as possible. That’s why you may consider an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. However, there are a number of ERPs available on the […]

Optimisation: how, what and why – the benefits

Emma Taylor-Lane 30 August 2022 eCommerce Optimisation: why, what, how Online shopping has been a thing for a while. But during Covid-19 and lockdown, online purchasing grew by almost 50 percent with 75 percent of people saying that they shopped online more than they did prior to Covid. The UK is now the third largest […]